Golden State
Training Academy

We had a great IGP Trial may 2023 + IGP Workshop with Rene van Pinxteren & Rachella van der Hoeven

My name is Peter Medina. I have been breeding and training German Shepherd Dogs for over 20 years. I have trained with and been mentored by some of the finest and accomplished trainers and behaviorists in the world.This knowledge has been applied with great success. We train our dogs for IGP and we regularly do IGP trials, regionals en nationals en we host IGP events, seminars and workshops. We strongly avocate and promote the German Shepherd Working Dog as a beautiful animal with exceptional Working ability. We are located in beautiful Riverside, California, USA. I have dedicated my life to the preservation of the working aspects of our great breed. Our program is quite simple. Control the controllable, breed out the undesirable and focus on quality not quantity. We feel these very important factors have lead to our success. Along with daily hands on involvement, we are dedicated to every aspect of the betterment of the German Shepherd dog. We strive not only to distinguish ourselves as purveyors of pure breed German Shepherd dogs with excellent conformation, but as enthusiasts committed to maintaining the strict German SV Standard and working heritage.